I have written more this week than ever before. It feels good. I feel totally responsible for the survival of the us postal service. I may have to get a second job just for postage.
I have had such a great week so far and I know that more good things are going to come. I had some great conversations this week about life and dreams and our life as a story.
A year or so ago, someone that I know closely told me that I was to keep all of these things to myself. The problems that I was going through, my heart, my story. What a lie. I am thankful that I did not listen to that voice. I am thankful that I started blogging and sharing my story. I am thankful for the things that have come from it. I am thankful that I know you because of it. I am thankful for the doors that sharing my story has opened up. We were not created to live alone. To be alone. God himself is in a Trinity. We were made to share our stories. To let others stories effect ours. To learn and grow and grow up together and in community. Although my current community looks nothing like I had pictured, it is my community.
So good! Thanks for being so open. You've challenged and encouraged me a number of times!