Friday, July 9, 2010

Coffee talk

Oh coffee talk blog. I love thee. What I love more than thee is the 3 girls that just walked into this place and sat at the bar right by me. The last coffee shop I was in was Broadway cafe in Kansas City. I am clearly not there anymore. These girls are proof of that. 
Girl #1- drinking a glass of Pinot and has her toes done perfectly. She is sharing a blueberry tart thing with 
Girl #2 -wearing a dress....i am pretty sure it is a shirt but she isn't wearing pants. It is SO short. I mean. Beyond inappropriate short and does not have the body that anyone would want to see all that is being shown. Was that mean? I think what is mean is her friend not questioning her picking that shirt to wear as a dress  She is also drinking a glass of Pinot. 
Girl #3 just left. I don't remember her....dang it.
Sipping Pinot and eating 9$ blueberry tart things. Oh Arlington. How I love thee. I love that I was just sending a text and I looked up and everyone in here is also on their phones. 

I feel so creative right now. I want to go home and create things. I feel like for the past, oh, i don't know, 5 years, my creativity has slowly been diminishing. But....It is back and it feels good. It feels like me. I want to create something everyday. and I want it to be something great. I want it to be beautiful and I want to share it. Whether it is food or art. I want to be around creative people. I want their creativity to make me more creative. I think there should be a limit on how many times one can use a certain word in a day. I would have exceeded that already There is so much I want to do. I was talking to my dear friend G. yesterday about all that we wanted to do in life. The awesome thing is that we CAN do so many of the things we dream of. We have nothing but time. Why not do missions and open a coffee shop and go to hair school and travel Europe and have babies and a garden and buy dresses and learn about cheese and beer and bread and rugby. 
Time for work. Have a good nite. Peace.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! We can, and should, totally do it all! Everything in our hearts! Why not?! :)
