Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The pieces

I vividly remember sitting at a little wooden table at my home in Missouri and putting together puzzles. I can smell that odd little smell that a newly opened puzzle box gave off. I see the little pile of shavings that spilled out with the 300 pieces of hope that lay before me.

I sense the feeling of wonder as I thought how on earth all of the odd colored shapes could somehow fit perfectly together to recreate the picture that graced the outside of the tiny box.
I can hear my mom telling me to separate the middle pieces from the outside pieces and then to do the outside pieces first.
Set the boundaries.
Turn all the other pieces face up so you can see what you have. Look at the picture. Keep the vision of the end result in your mind.  

Our problem is that we haven’t asked the Lord to show us what His picture of our life looks like. We fashion in our minds what we want it to be but I believe there is a huge difference in the small picture that we want and the awesome picture the LORD has for us.

If we took time to get the vision, then will no longer go through life trying to discard some of the pieces that have been placed in our box. Some of these pieces, though they might not seem to fit or make sense to the picture, are there for a unique and perfect purpose.

Let’s ask the LORD for his picture for our lives and watch HIM perfectly use all the little pieces, even the ones that seem to make no sense, to make the picture which HE has drawn for us.

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